Composting Program on Campus
Aquinas College has partnered with a Michigan-based commercial compost company called
Organicycle to handle the campus' organic waste.
What is Composting?
Composting is a system that utilizes natural processes to decompose organic materials
that would otherwise end up in a landfill. The rate at which materials decompose in
a composting pile depends on several factors, such as pile size, material inputs,
and how often it is turned. Oxygen is a key element in the composting process, needed
to support the growth of bacteria to break down the organic materials. For this reason,
composting piles are turned to ensure that oxygen is available throughout the pile,
helping to speed the decomposition process. The end product of composting is fertile,
nutrient-rich soil.
The "Ins and Outs" of AQ Composting >Composting GraphicSo, you may be asking yourself, what can I compost? How will I know if something is
biodegradable or not?
Don't worry- it's easy. On every composting bin you will find a list of items that can and cannot be composted. The green composting containers are located alongside the blue recycling containers all across campus. Just like trash bins, these composting bins will be emptied frequently to avoid the buildup of odors.
Here's a basic list of acceptable items:
- Food Scraps- All food types are accepted.
- Paper/Cardboard- Most paper products are accepted, such as food soiled paper, wax-coated
paper, and low grade paper. Some examples are listed below.
- Food Soiled Paper such as:
- Coffee Grounds & Filters
- Paper Towels & Napkins
- Paper Plates
- Pizza Boxes
- Paper Soup Bowls
- Paper Boats
- Paper To-Go Boxes
- Wax Paper (i.e. Jimmy John's Wrapper)
- Low-Grade Paper such as:
- Tissue Paper
- Tissues
- Straw Wrappers
- Paper Sugar Packets
- Receipts
- Food Soiled Paper such as:
- Compostable Plastics- This is a special type of plastic made from plants.
- It must be labeled with the words "PLA" or "Compostable".
- All plastics used by AQ Dining are compostable!
Special Collections:
Paper Towel Composting: Did you know that the paper towels we use to dry our hands are compostable? We need
your help to keep paper towel waste out of landfills and the local incinerator. All
large cans in campus bathrooms are designated as "paper towel only", and a small trashcan
is provided for non-compostable materials. Paper towels and other compostable waste
will eventually become nutritious plant food instead of being trapped in a landfill
for generations or incinerated, which releases harmful emissions into our air.
Jessica Eimer Bowen
Executive Director, Center for Sustainability
Albertus Hall, Rm 129
(616) 632-1994