New Student Essentials
Welcome to Aquinas College!
The information provided below is intended to assist students new to Aquinas College
in locating information, services, and technology provided by ITS Help Desk.
The Top 10 Technology Questions
- When will I be able to set up my Aquinas computer account?
- Once you have been fully accepted as an Aquinas student, you will receive an important email with instructions on how to set up your Aquinas IT account, set up your password, and register for MFA.
- How do I find out what my e-mail address is?
- Your e-mail address will be provided to you in the email detailed above.
- What is MFA?
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an additional security layer for your digital accounts. It requires you to verify your identity in multiple ways before accessing services like email. At Aquinas, we use DUO for Google Gmail and Google Drive. Visit DUO - MFA Setup for instructions on setting up MFA.
- What is the AQNet WiFi network and how do I connect to it?
What are the computer recommendations for connecting to AQNet?
- Where are the computer labs?
- The main student computer lab is located in the Grace Hauenstein Library. Additional labs are located throughout campus. >Lab Hours & Locations
- Does Aquinas use Google or Microsoft?
- Aquinas supports both the Google Workspace the Microsoft Office Suite. Get your free copy today Microsoft Office! >More information
- Are there web resources that are used at Aquinas College?
- Important web sites include MyAQ (portal for students - news, events, easy access to all other web resources), Self Service (course schedules, grades, etc.), CourseConnect (online course management tools), E-mail, Drive (online file storage/sharing), and Calendar.
- How can you keep your information safe?
- You are responsible for the security of your computer account.
- ITS recommends using a strong password. Follow our Password Guidelines to learn how to create a strong, effective password. Also, refer to the Aquinas Acceptable Use Policy for further information on using Aquinas College computer and network resources.
- How long do I keep my Aquinas email address after graduation?
- Approximately 6 months, or one semester, after you graduate or leave the college.
Information Technology Services
M-Th: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Academic Building, Room 350
(616) 632-2050