After your STAR session
Enjoy the rest of your summer! We can't wait to see you at orientation in the fall.
Resources for Incoming Students
Registrar/Academic Advising
Download the Academic Catalog, course schedules and learn what the Registrar and Academic
Advising Office can do for you. If you have any questions and concerns about your
schedule, please don't hesitate to contact the Registrar/Academic Advising office.
We will be happy to help you resolve them.
Financial Aid
Get your financial aid questions answered as well as find out information on available
scholarships, grants and loans.
Student Accounts
Learn about your account balance, payment options or pay your tuition bill online.
Residence Life
Want to know what to bring to College this fall? Wondering what the AQ residence halls
looks like? Residence Life has the answers!
Health & Wellness Services
Learn what services and resources the Health & Wellness Services Department provides
for all AQ students.
Use the log in you received at STAR to explore this web-based tool. CourseConnect
facilitates and supports online education at AQ.
ITS Student Computer Essentials
Get up-to-speed on available computer labs, connecting to AQnet, responsible computing,
retrieving and resetting your passwords, student employment opportunities and links
to the many applications ITS provides for students.
Self Service
View your class schedule, grades, transcripts, financial aid information and more.
Joining a new community is an exciting yet sometimes overwhelming experience. At Aquinas
College, our skilled orientation team strives to ease that transition.
Campus Life
Research shows that co-curricular involvement increases a student's overall performance
academically and provides leadership opportunities, social networking, and a sense
of belonging in a new community. Apply your in-class knowledge to diverse out-of-class
experiences! Clubs, organizations, service opportunities, and more await you.
Registrar's Office
030 Hruby Hall
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(616) 632-2871